Bailey-Serres Lab at UC Riverside
Gene regulatory network control of suberin deposition as an abiotic stress resilience mechanism in rice roots
Analyzing data from the Plasticity Project, I am working to understand how suberized barriers form and provide resilience to rice plants in response to multiple stresses.
Rokas Lab at Vanderbilt University
Evolution of Asexual Development in Pezizomycotina (Summer 2017 - Summer 2018)
I connected the evolutionary history of developmental regulatory transcription factors to asexual sporulating structure morphology in Pezizomycotina fungi. In collaboration with Anita Sil's Lab at UCSF.
Mentor: Dr. Matt Mead
Horizontal Gene Transfer in Early-Diverging Plant Lineages (Summer - Fall 2016)
I used alien index calculations and phylogenetics to identify candidate horizontal gene transfer events in Selaginella moellendorffii and Physcomitrella patens. I presented this work in a poster at the Vanderbilt Undergraduate Poster Fair.
Mentor: Dr. Jen Wisecaver
Specialized Metabolic Gene Clusters in Plant Genomes (Fall 2015 - Spring 2016)
I used the bioinformatics program antiSMASH to predict putative specialized biosynthetic gene clusters in a range of plant genomes. Next, I used the co-expression database ATTED-II to assess the co-expression of these putative clusters and the co-expression of known clusters. I found that very few of the predicted clusters showed patterns of co-expression while co-expression validated known clusters. In conclusion, I found that while genomic clustering exists, is not as powerful as co-expression in identifying novel plant metabolic pathways. This work is part of the publication, A Global Coexpression Network Approach for Connecting Genes to Specialized Metabolic Pathways in Plants.
Mentor: Dr. Jen Wisecaver